Living and eating healthy shouldn’t be hard, and it shouldn’t come in phases in your life. It shouldn’t require rigid schedules, inconvenient measuring, and it shouldn’t make you feel like you’re missing out on the good things in life. It should, above all, make you feel good, energetic, and happy.
If your life choices followed these 15 guidelines below, you are doing virtually everything you can to ensure you live a full life free of the common nagging illnesses that are plaguing our society today. Kelli and I call this the “Live Til You Die” diet.
No products to buy, no schedules, just a simple way of eating that anyone can do every day.
1. Eat lots of vegetables, and about half that in fruit.
No scientist has yet created a product or pill that can equal the nutrient value and healing properties of fresh produce. On top of the plethora of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and phytonutrients, eating whole, fresh produce benefits the body in ways we have yet to fully understand. The nutrients interact as a whole in ways that are much more beneficial than when taken individually as supplements.
Make vegetables the center piece of your meals. Enjoy fruits as a healthy dessert, or paired with a protein like almond butter or a few cashews as a healthy snack during the day. Without exception, eating more vegetables every day will the best first step you can do for your body. You’ll feel full, your body will have the tools it needs to repair its self and eliminate toxins, and you’ll notice other benefits like clearer skin, mental clarity, and feeling energetic after meals. Does it have to be organic? No. Is organic better? Yes, but don’t worry about it if it’s not in the budget yet.
2. Move your body.
Our bodies were meant to be active. Every system in the body performs better when we move throughout the day. It strengthens the immune system, clears the lymph nodes of stored toxins, burns off the tension of stress, and strengthens our bones. Stretching your muscles allows for more detoxification as well as lubricates the bones, making the bones and joints last longer. Exercise doesn’t need to happen at a gym (it’s been years since I’ve been to one). Just find something you enjoy doing that makes you sweat, and sweat at least once a day.
Be sure to include some resistance training as well. You’ll prevent muscle loss and release beneficial hormones. Thirty minutes of exercise in the morning is great, but if you sit at your desk for the rest of the day then watch TV all night, you’ve barely gained any benefit from that morning routine. Set reminders using your phone or a timer to stand up and stretch during the day, walk outside, do a few yoga poses, etc. Avoid the elevator and create excuses to take more steps. Whatever you do, be sure to get of your chair and move around at least once an hour.
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